Monthly Archives: May 2017

Mason Turns Uno

I cannot believe this little guy is already 1 years old! I still remember doing his newborn photos. So much has changed since then and I absolutely love seeing how big this little guy smiles and how much he loves his family! Happy Birthday #CincoDeMason

Rogers Family + Donut Birthdays

I adore this family so much. They are absolutely adorable together. We ventured downtown Georgetown and found some really fun places to stop and take pictures. Balloons and donuts… what more does a kid need to stay entertained? Oh and those cute little cowboy boots just stole my heart!

Riley Newborn

Just take my ovaries!! Riley was a DREAM!! The cutest little thing ever and just was a doll. I could have spent all day over there with her {and mommy and daddy of course} if they had let me

Maddie Newborn

The pure joy on Hilary’s face when she got to become a mother just warms my heart more than words can express. Maddie is so loved already and was just the sweetest little baby ever. Her grandmother had made her the CUTEST mermaid outfit from scratch!!

Brooklyn Newborn

This year was baby after baby and boy did it give me some major baby fever. Miss Brooklyn was absolutely precious and everything was diamonds and pink – fit perfectly!! She is a Daddy’s girl already and loved being on his chest as much as possible!